Thursday, April 19, 2012

Track List: For Fall to Grace.

Like most fans, since the release date was announced for 'Fall to Grace' I have been embraced by a bundle of excitement that I can't shift. Whilst patiently waiting for more information, I have found myself counting down the days until it officially becomes May. Whilst it may be my birthday in May... I am actually far more excited about the prospect of holding Paloma's new single 'Picking up the Pieces' and the new album 'Fall to Grace' in my hands, than I am blowing out the candles on my birthday cake.

For those of you who don't already know, when the album is released on May 28th, there will be two editions:
  • Standard Edition (red cover) - Featuring 12 tracks.
  • The Deluxe Edition (blue cover) - The 12 tracks plus an additional second disc with 5 acoustic tracks. 

Both versions of the album are now avaliable for pre-order on Amazon, and HMV online and yesterday whilst doing some research, I was very excited to discover that the track listing had been added to their websites. The list below is for the deluxe edition of 'Fall to Grace'.

Disc 1.  
  1. Picking up the Pieces
  2. 30 Minute Love Affair
  3. Black & Blue
  4. Just Be
  5. Let Me Down Easy
  6. Blood, Sweat & Tears
  7. Beauty of the End
  8. When You're Gone
  9. Agony
  10. Let Your Love Walk In
  11. Freedom
  12. Streets of Glory
Disc 2 - Acoustics.
  1. Picking up the Pieces
  2. 30 Minute Love Affair
  3. Black & Blue
  4. Just Be
  5. Agony
I was so pleased to discover 'Just Be' and 'Streets of Glory' had made the album, as they are both wonderful songs. I am also looking forward to seeing everyone else's reaction to 'Streets of Glory' - we were lucky enough to have an exclusive preview of it last year and I have to tell you, it is heartbreakingly beautiful.

All in all, I am so excited for the album now, it finally feels real and within close reach. I am so intrigued about how it will sound and feel. I can't wait to listen for the very first time and see how all the songs fit together as a whole, to get the lyrics trapped in my head, to be humming the songs constantly and then to finally see Paloma grace the stage once more and perform them on tour. I really hope this album gives Paloma more of the recognition she rightly deserves and I look forward to seeing everyone's reaction to it. Like most fans, after hearing 'Picking up the Pieces' there is no doubt in my mind.... that it will have definitely been worth the wait.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for picking that up L. really pleased about those two 'Chapel' tracks we will finally have good quality versions.
